[ 上海 ] 2022-02-16 编辑:金智慧

WeChat mini program. 

2022年2月,SAINT LAURENT 圣罗兰右岸系列将登陆中国,亮相官方微信小程序。

Named ‘RIVE DROITE’ as a nod to SAINT LAURENT rive gauche line, that helped to democratize 

fashion and luxury in the sixties. SAINT LAURENT RIVE DROITE introduces a brand new destination for 

expression, exchange, and lifestyle, showcasing a wide range of products including exclusive pieces, 

limited editions, library, vintage, music, photography combined with art, performances, exhibitions, 

events, and cultural exchanges. Conceptualized by Creative Director Anthony Vaccarello, the extensive 

and diversified offer from different creative and design fields, is imagined and embraced in new ways to 

enlarge the universe and the DNA of Saint Laurent. 

品牌创意总监ANTHONY VACCARELLO将此系列命名为“右岸”(RIVE DROITE), 旨在向圣罗兰先生所推

出的左岸系列 (RIVE GAUCHE) 致敬, 该系列自60年代起持续推动精品时装的大众化。相应于巴黎左岸的

经典,右岸则是多元文化的代名词, 与当下新世代族群充满活力、不断探索的精神不谋而合。圣罗兰右岸

系列以“表达”、“交流”及“生活方式”为主题来展示广泛的产品, 其中包括独家创作、限量版、图书

馆、古董、音乐、摄影及艺术、表演、展览、活动和文化交流。由创意总监ANTHONY VACCARELLO完



Anthony Vaccarello said: “From the start, I have always seen Saint Laurent more as an attitude, a spirit, 

rather than a literal reference to the past, so it’s really more of a lifestyle.”

正如ANTHONY VACCARELLO所言:“起初,我一直认为圣罗兰所传达给大众的是一种态度,一种精神, 

而不是对过往的字面表达, 所以它更像是一种生活方式。”

Rive Droite acts as a creative destination where new forms of expression know no bounds.

圣罗兰右岸系列 (RIVE DROITE)作为一个创意集聚地, 展现各种新奇的表达形式。

Located in 213, rue saint Honoré 75001 Paris in 2019, and extended at 469 Rodeo Drive, Los 

Angeles in 2020, SAINT LAURENT RIVE DROITE represents an amusing and chic version of today’s 

Saint Laurent universe. 

2019年首家精品店立于法国巴黎, 213, rue Saint Honoré 75001 Paris), 尔后2020年踏足美国洛杉矶(469 

Rodeo Drive, Los Angeles)。圣罗兰右岸系列 (RIVE DROITE)展现了当下圣罗兰世界趣味与时髦的一面。

Wechat id: SaintLaurent圣罗兰


@ysl #saintlaurentrivedroite @anthonyvaccarello
