MAYALI SPRING/SUMMER 2022 “The fakeness is hypernormal”

[ 上海 ] 2021-10-13 编辑:Monki

信息焦虑症是由于大脑输入过多信息所致,是现代社会最普遍的心理疾病。焦虑症发作的时候脑神经会向身体发射出假的信号,营造濒死的感受体验,从而引发惊恐情绪。也就是说当大脑信息输入过多的时候,你的身体会欺骗你。我们的身体真的完全由我们意识所控制吗?很多时候,碎片式的信息组成了我们对事物的认知,潜移默化得影响着我们的世界观。纪录片《Hyper Normalisation》i揭示了我们身处的世界都是超常态化的假象,真相被操纵与歪曲,我们不仅被囚禁在身体的牢笼中,也被束缚在超现实主义的谎言中。








Information anxiety disorder is caused by inputting too much information in the brain, and it isthe most common mental illness in modern society.Whenever an anxiety attack occurs, thecranial nerves send fake signals to the body, creating a feeling of impending death and furthertriggering emotional panic.In other words, when the brain accepts too much information,your body will deceive you.This makes us wondering that, is our body truly controlled by our consciousness?Fragmented information composes our cognition of things, and subtlyaffects our perspectives. The world we live in is a hypernormal illusion, we are bound insurrealistic lies, and anxious about ourselves in the eyes of others.




By understanding the root causes of anxiety , this season's MAYALI discusses that as womenliving in surrealistic lies, they should be free from group unconscious behavior and pursuerealist, enthusiastic and free lives.This collection takes the female Asura from ancientIndian Buddhism as a muse, to explore the bliss of the god of war.Continuing the previouscategories of skin-like materialed bodysuits, circular cutting techniques have been added todifferent active parts of the human body and joints. The silk satin entangles and spreads,flowing with the body like a pleated fabric. The print describes and enlarges the fluidity of thecurve to create a 3D effect from a 2D pattern. The light silk stocking fabric combined with thestiffr wool fabric represents both strength and softness of contemporary women.The wholecollection exposits the multi-faceted nature of women in a rational way, calling for the divinebeauty of the ancient Eastern civilization.


