GEOX“Walk for Earth”——为地球行走”系列“履”程第二站 倡导生物多样性保护,开启三江源环保之“履”

[ 上海 ] 2021-08-17 编辑:aurora

2021年4月22日世界地球日,GEOX杰欧适正式开启将贯穿2021全年的“Walk for Earth——为地球行走”系列“履”程,由WWF(世界自然基金会)顾问带队走进自然,了解人类与自然之间紧密的关系,呼吁关注自然环境一齐“践行绿色生活,倡导生物多样性保护,珍爱地球,促进人与自然和谐共生”。

On April 22, 2021, The World Earth Day, GEOX launched the "Walk for Earth" journey which will last until the end of the year. The expedition, guided by WWF(Nature or World Wildlife Fund)experts, is to discover nature and the harmonious coexistence between mankind and wildlife, championing for “Green Living, Biodiversity Preservation, Earth Conservation, and Coexistence with Nature”.

GEOX于8月3日至5日开启“Walk for Earth——为地球行走”系列“履”程第二站,在WWF顾问的带领及青海省湿地保护协会的支持下来到了中国面积最大、世界海拔最高、生物多样性极其丰富、高原湿地生态系统最完整、生态价值最高的自然保护地——三江源,并邀请到FIRST青年电影展作为本次“履”程的同行合作伙伴,全程参与到“Walk for Earth—为地球行走”系列“履”程的记录与创作工作中。通过行走体验与镜头的记录,共同体会并认识自然与人类可持续发展之间的关系。

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On August 3, GEOX set in motion the second journey of the "Walk for Earth" series which lasted for three days. Led by WWF advisors and supported by the Qinghai Wetland Conservation Association, the destination is Sanjiangyuan – China’s largest and world’s highest nature reserve with the richest biodiversity, the most complete plateau wetland ecosystem, and the maximal ecological value. " FIRST International Film Festival is the official partner of this Qinghai trekking journey, to participate in the video recording and production of the 2021 GEOX “Walk for Earth” campaign. This is a discovery of the intricate relationship between mankind and nature through footpath and camera lenses.


Located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the southern end of Qinghai Province, the Sanjiangyuan area is the headwaters of the Yangtze, Yellow and Mekong rivers. This area is an important freshwater resource of the country, covering a total area of 363,000km2 which is equivalent to 50.4% of the entire Qinghai Province. It is called the "Chinese Water Tower" because of its abundant water resource, this is a habitat for rare and important wildlife such as black-necked cranes, bar-headed geese, snow leopards, Tibetan antelopes and wolves. We walked through the Sanjiangyuan region to experience its magnificence, learn about biodiversity, explore the unique plateau wetland ecosystem and water conservation areas, and contemplate upon a sustainable future.


The three-day and two-night journey traveled through the Donggei Lake National Wetland Park and Longbao National Nature Reserve. Embarked from Huashixia, walked along the north shore of Donggei Lake to the west to observe waterbirds, Alpine Rock Sheep, Equus kiangs, Tibetan gazelles and other wild animals throughout the trek. WWF specialists enlightened us on the ecology of Namtso Lake, snow leopards and other wild animals.

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冬格措那湖藏语的意思是”一千座山围城的圣湖”,湖面面积232 平方公里,地处海拔4117米的高原之上,为青藏高原上的大型淡水湖之一。沿路领略到冬格措那湖最美的地方,并观赏湖边沼泽湿地里栖息的黑颈鹤、斑头雁、鸥类及鹬类等水鸟,在湛蓝的天空下,碧蓝的湖水和浅黄的草甸交织在一起,水鸟在烟波浩渺的湖面上盘旋,构成风光旖旎的美景。

Dongge Tsona Lake means " a sacred lake surrounded by a thousand mountains" in the Tibetan language. It is one of the largest freshwater lakes on the Tibetan plateau, covering a surface area of 232 square kilometers at an altitude of 4,117 meters. We walked past the most beautiful parts of the Dongge Tsona Lake and spotted black-necked cranes, bar-headed geese, gulls and sandpiper. The clear blue sky, turquoise-colored lake surface and light-yellow meadowland formed an astonishing scenery. 

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Along the mountain ridges and rocky forests, we observed the snow leopard, blue sheep and upland buzzards, yet missing the traces of snow leopards. It was dispiriting to find litters in such beautiful environment, we took the lead and called for cleaning actions which was met with wide responsiveness. 

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The Qinghai Longbao National Nature Reserve is located at the waterhead of the Yangtze River and is part of the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, at an altitude of about 4,200 meters. It is the first national nature reserve in the Qinghai Province, built to protect black-necked cranes and wetland ecosystems. The name "Longbao" is a Tibetan word, meaning a swamp with fish and birds. Longbao National Nature Reserve is the first black-necked crane breeding site in China and the highest known population density in the Sanjiangyuan area. The black-necked crane is a national-level protected animal and the provincial bird of Qinghai, inhabiting plateau meadows, lakeshores, river valley swamps and reed swamps at altitudes of 2,500-5,000 meters, and is the only crane in the world that grows and breeds on the plateau. They are particularly treasured by Tibetans who believe the bird symbolizes nobility and purity, commonly known as "Gesar Dazi", meaning the horse herding officer of King Gesar.

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Bayan Har Mountains, the highest point of the journey, is the watershed between the Yangtze and Yellow River basins where it is called the “home of the yaks” because of the yak and the world-famous Tibetan goat population here. 

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The Sanjiangyuan journey has uncovered the beauty of the Tibetan plateau. This is also a spiritual adventure to experience and appreciate nature, wildlife and cultural diversity. 

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“Walk for Earth——为地球行走”系列“履”程第二站线下“履”程已完美落下帷幕,8月9日起至22日,GEOX邀请您开启线上寻保之“履”,足不出户就能饱览三江源美景,了解生物多样性!打开微信扫描下方二维码,或在微信小程序搜索“一块走”,即可与GEOX一起云游青海湿地,探秘三江源高源生态系统!每日满2000步数,即可兑换GEOX公益金,共同守护濒危物种,实现人与自然和谐共生。快来加入我们,解锁返璞归真、回馈自然的绿色生活新方式,玩转可持续新风尚,共同守护地球未来!

From August 9th to 22nd, GEOX invites you to embark on an online "Journey" to discover the fascinating scenery and biodiversity of Sanjiangyuan! Join us by WeChat scan the code below or search for "一块走" WeChat mini-program. Walk 2,000 steps a day and take home the GEOX Community Chest rewards to help protecting endangered species. Do not hesitate and join us in our endeavors to green living, sustainable development and environmental protection. 


意大利知名品牌GEOX杰欧适以经营休闲鞋履、正装鞋履和轻便服饰为主,专注于为男士、女士和儿童提供中高端鞋服产品。品牌享誉全球,得益于55项专利,近期又有11多项专利科技正在申请保护中。 GEOX 的名称由古希腊单词Geo(指“地球”)及字母X(代表科技)组成,体现了品牌的初衷,即不懈追求科技创新,为穿着者带来舒适体验的同时,尊重并保护地球环境。可持续发展与环境保护是品牌的核心理念,因一直坚信环境保护的重要性,2019年与WWF(世界自然基金会)达成合作,投身濒危动物保护中。与此同时,GEOX坚持使用更多环保材料并运用可持续的生产方法。在未来,GEOX将继续尊崇可持续发展理念,弘扬绿色出行方式,从而减少环境污染,让地球自由呼吸。