为爱赴约 开启GEOX爱之“履” 全方位的舒适体验,诉说全方位的爱

[ 上海 ] 2021-05-18 编辑:aurora


GEOX sincerely invites you to a romantic journey, joining hands with your beloved ones to start a sustainable and healthy lifestyle, showing your sincere love with all-rounded comfortable-wearing experience, and step by step towards a better future.

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SPHERICATM sneakers with ZERO SHOCK SYSTEM are highly recommended for couples. Highly-standardized, all-rounded comfortable wearing experience accompanies you two to walk on your journey of life and hand in hand to explore this whole wide world together. Create a memorable and exclusive romantic journey with that special someone.

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Holding hands with the most beloved ones while enjoying GEOX’s wellbeing technology and express a wide range of love. In this love festival, the SPHERICATM collection includes a variety of styles and colors: passionate red, pure white, etc. interpreting the purity and depth of love. Celebrate this romantic 520 with GEOX love at every step.

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Couple Style - SPHERICATM Collection

SPHERICATM 系列是本季最新发布的休闲运动鞋,为品牌标志性的舒适穿着体验树立了更高标准。

SPHERICATM collection is the latest casual sneakers released this season,  setting a higher standard for the brand's iconic comfortable wearing experience.

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革新性全面减震系统(Zero Shock System)专为该款鞋履打造,其减震设计采用两层EVA树脂,具有不同的密度和质地,并一直延伸到外底上方。轻盈鞋底给脚掌带来柔软承托体验,透气和防水性能一如既往,高强度运动中也能尽享轻松舒适。

The innovative ZERO SHOCK SYSTEM is specially invented for this shoe style. The outsole has been made up of two interlocked Eva layers with different density and both characterized by very soft spherical elements. The spheres are positioned along the whole foot sole and work as cushioning pads that respond in all phases of the movement, provide differentiation in shock absorption, lightness, flexibility, and cushioning. The breathability and waterproof performance are the same as before which allow you to enjoy comfort during high-intensity exercise.

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SPHERICATM  Men Collection

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SPHERICATM Women Collection


意大利知名品牌GEOX杰欧适以经营休闲鞋履、正装鞋履和轻便服饰为主,专注于为男士、女士和儿童提供中高端鞋服产品。品牌享誉全球,得益于55项专利,近期又有11多项专利科技正在申请保护中。 GEOX 的名称由古希腊单词Geo(指“地球”)及字母X(代表科技)组成,体现了品牌的初衷,即不懈追求科技创新,为穿着者带来舒适体验的同时,尊重并保护地球环境。可持续发展与环境保护是品牌的核心理念,因一直坚信环境保护的重要性,2019年与WWF(世界自然基金会)达成合作,投身濒危动物保护中。与此同时,GEOX坚持使用更多环保材料并运用可持续的生产方法。在未来,GEOX将继续尊崇可持续发展理念,弘扬绿色出行方式,从而减少环境污染,让地球自由呼吸。