OUDE WAAG 2021秋冬系列

[ 上海 ] 2021-04-12 编辑:monki


"Can you imagine what it is to cross an ocean... For weeks you see nothing but the horizon - perfect and empty... You live in the grip of fear... Fear of storms; fear of sickness on board; fear of the immensity... So you must drive that fear down deep into your belly. Study your charts, watch your compass. Pray for a fair wind, and hope... pure... naked... fragile hope... At first, it's no more than a haze on the horizon. So you watch... you watch... then it's a smudge, a shadow in the far water. For a day, for another day, the stain slowly spreads along the horizon, taking form... Until on the third day, you let yourself believe, you dare to whisper the word.. Land... Land... Life... Resurrection... A true adventure, coming out of the vast unknown, out of the immensity... into new life... That, Your Majesty, is The New World.”




疫情的爆发与人类对生命的愿景相悖,周围世界一时间变得混沌,不幸。然而,人类在几乎被疫情带来的冲击和重创逼近毁灭的同时,亦迸发出对生命的前所未有的强烈渴望。 OUDE WAAG 21秋冬系列延续了上一季”恶之花“的灵感来源,以“湮灭”为题,着眼于在混沌世界中迸发出的能量与希望,探索毁灭表象后的新生。


在本季系列中,OUDE WAAG采用提花、丝绒等肌理丰富的面料,并大胆地将不同质感的面料产生联系,例如人字纹和纯色针织的拼接、粗棒针织和麂皮绒的碰撞,呈现出令人惊喜的新质地。透视网纱在身后散放摇曳,贯穿全身的羊毛织带在厚重的外套上勾勒出轻盈的体态,重量悬殊的不同材质得以在一件单品中达到美和平衡。品牌的标志抽象印花亦在本季延续,从黑暗中迸发出的鲜明的色彩,在混沌的肌理中显出有力的形态。 混沌与光,恐惧与希望,OUDE WAAG 21秋冬系列在这个后疫情时代,与世界一起,诠释湮灭后的共生新体。