JNBY SS21 takes Mexico as the background and explores the "symbiosis" phenomenon in Mexican culture from the three perspectives of "personality symbiosis/symbiosis of traditional and contemporary art/symbiosis of magic and reality ".
The topic starts from the softness and hardness of Frida's personality, the coexistence of local traditional folk culture and modern Western art, to the magical realism of Latin America. Hidden under this topic, it is about the current coexistence of each complex individual and different culture, and the discussion about our "magic" life at this moment.
JNBY 2021春夏系列现已上市,即刻前往线上及线下门店选购最新单品。
品牌是与集团发展历程一同成长的女装品牌,具有极高的知名度和辨识度,早在创立初始即吸引一众具有相同生活理念的簇拥者。随着对产品本身不断探索与坚持,时至今日“JNBY”已发展成为目前国内最具代表性的女装品牌,所传达的“Just Naturally Be Yourself”的品牌哲学也已深植人心。品牌坚持将“现代、活力、意趣、坦然”并存的设计理念植入产品,专于材质的研发与工艺提升,将设计的情感通过穿着体验还原,向独特别致、细腻敏感、浪漫与优雅并存的都市女性传递文化中的趣味和新奇,感受平凡生活中的惊喜和诗意。这也是品牌一直充满能量与活力的秘诀。