untitlab™ SS21 Presentation新闻发布稿

[ 上海 ] 2020-09-15 编辑:aurora

untitlab™ 于2020年9月10日特别呈现了SS21 Presentation。

untitlab™ 于2020年9月10日特别呈现了SS21 Presentation。本次SS21系列也持续扩展使用场景边界,在延续标志性的鞋底造型之上,SS21系列首次使用柿染手捻纱手织布、拉菲草和环保超纤麂皮材料,结合回收TPU鞋底和植物基鞋垫工艺。SS21更加强调设计和生产中的自然关联,秉持untitlab™一贯坚持的环保概念。



时值品牌成立两周年之际,untitlab™首次选择以线下invite only的方式举办官方展览,融合了艺术装置、图像创作、表演以及氛围音乐, 集中展现了untitlab™独特的美学概念,让嘉宾沉浸在品牌背后的故事与氛围当中。


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本次展览选址在具有悠久历史的建筑中举行,1934年留下的底蕴与品牌的文化形成强烈的冲击,untitlab™再一次完美诠释了突破边界与束缚的理念。展览共分为两层,在一楼较为静态的展示空间中,Gallery厅有用废旧机器制作的静态装置和限时人体情绪表达的live performance。Showroom厅有集中展示的SS21新品与自品牌成立以来的艺术创作品。 外廊的摄影展厅更是展示出了品牌私藏从未曝光的摄影作品。在二楼,Darkroom I里有从campaign走出来的兽型人偶,与在场的嘉宾逐一拍照,形成美好的交互体验。Darkroom II则是播放着untitlab™历来的视频创作。在二楼外廊workshop区域,untitlab™别出心裁的设计了手工制作工坊,通过收集废旧的面料制作SS21的狗头钥匙包作为礼物赠予到场的嘉宾,充分传达了品牌可持续的理念。从前期准备到后期展出,untitlab™秉持着一贯的愉悦与自信的态度通过每一位在场的工作人员与志愿者影响着到场的每一位嘉宾。无论是各大媒体,时尚行业的领军人物还是亲友和顾客,都沉浸在展览的每个细节当中。也正是通过本次展览,untitlab™三位创始人与in house PR对两年来帮助过untitlab™的人表示了感谢,也很开心通过本次展览拉近了彼此的距离,使untitlab™在公众眼中更加的立体。

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untitlab™ has presented SS21 Presentation on 10 September 2020. SS21 keeps expanding the boundary of usage scenarios, atop the iconic sole silhouette, SS21 collection uses kakishibu handtwist-yarn fabric, raffia and eco-friendly microfiber suede, combine with recycled TPU sole and plant-based insole craft. SS21 focuses more on the natural connection within design and production process, upholds the environmental concept that untitlab™ has been supporting consistently.

SS21 Campaign’s formation is inspired by the pop-up windows appear during browsing the webpages. Independent contents are related by the splicing of images of right and left sides, by which leads to a new narrative. As a creative breakthrough, the blue figure in the Campaign creates a relaxed, pleasant home atmosphere through this non-character image, which also contains a hint of provocative and erotic feeling.

On the second anniversary of the brand, untitlab™ for the first time held this invite only offline presentation which combined with art installation, images, performance and ambient music. In order to showcase the unique aesthetic of untitlab™.

SS21 Presentation, curated by art director Tian Cai, presents the image creation of the brand since its establishment through different media. The exhibition takes images as the meta-narrative to construct the connection between self-consciousness and consumption system within the interior of various industrial product installations in different scales. The performance in the field forms as a silent ritual, which again deduces the dualistic antagonism between individual emotion and grand narrative, and between human spiritual essence and absolute power. Meanwhile, a kind of self-awareness conforming to the subject consciousness presents as an opportunity to dissolve the antagonism, the mediation between the other and the subject becomes the externalization of the subjective desire. The image is the terminal of this mediation, also the absolute expression of subjectivity. "Pleasant" becomes the romantic interpretation of the subject of desire, and together with the mediation, it shapes the self-consciousness.

This exhibition is located in a historic building, the profound historical background which has been living with this building since 1934 formed a strong contrastive impact on the brand cultural image, untitlab™ has once again pertinently interpreted the concept of breaking boundaries and constraints. The exhibition is divided into two floors; in the static exhibition space on the first floor, there are static installation made of waste machines and live performance of time-limited emotional expressions of the human body within this Gallery space. And the Showroom mainly focuses on the new SS21 products and all the artworks since the establishment of the brand. The photography exhibition in the outer corridor displays the photographic works of the brand which has never been exposed before. On the second floor, the beast figures from the Campaign takes pictures with every guest in the Darkroom I, which creates an enjoyable interactive experience. Darkroom II presents all the video works of untitlab™. In the workshop space of the second-floor corridor, untitlab™ ingeniously sets a craftwork workshop, it takes waste fabrics to re-make into SS21 dog-head key bags as gifts for our guests, which can fully convey the sustainability concept of our brand. From the preparation stage to the presentation, untitlab™ maintains a cheerful and confident attitude that influences every guest through the presence of our staff and volunteers. All the media, fashion industry leaders, also our friends and customers, they are all immersed in the details of the exhibition. And also by this opportunity, the 3 founders of untitlab™ and in-house PR have expressed our gratitude to those who helped us over the past two years; it is delighted that the connection becomes closer and untitlab™ can therefore present its multi-dimensional image to the public.

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